Exercising in Hot Weather 's Image

Exercising in Hot Weather

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June 16, 2023

When training in hot weather please make sure you train smart and safe!  Here are a few tips for training when the weather is hotter:  n. Stop and hydrate Hydrate as and when you need to and take plenty on water in. Good hydration is so important. If you can take fluids in before ...

York Bootcamp Events Calendar 2023 's Image

York Bootcamp Events Calendar 2023

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May 23, 2023

With the summer coming up we have lots going on for the members at York Bootcamp  Alongside training outdoors it is great to participate in other activities from hikes, races to games of rounders and more.  A massive thank you to our members who help organise these; Anita, Nick, Lizzy and...

Benefits Of Training Outdoors 's Image

Benefits Of Training Outdoors

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February 14, 2023

Many of us spend far too much time inside. Being out in the fresh is so important.  Exercising outdoors offers many benefits, including: Increased exposure to natural sunlight, which helps regulate the body's internal clock and can improve mood and sleep. Fresh air and natural surroundings...

Why people give up?'s Image

Why people give up?

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January 16, 2023

Why People Give up and help Intro | Too much too soon | Motivation | Hurts too much | Social Media Comparison | More reasons | Ask for help   Introduction   With spring a few month away I can hear people saying "I have given up, Ive fallen off, I cant keep it up" So what about ...

T Shirts and Merchandise's Image

T Shirts and Merchandise

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July 12, 2022

T Shirts 2022  Please the latest 2022 T Shirts you can purchase  We are looking at a 3-4 week turnaround after all the orders are in and will get them to the park ASAP If you are unable to make the classes/ do classes online for pick up we can send out at an extra cost (Please ad...

National Lockdown January 2021's Image

National Lockdown January 2021

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January 06, 2021

National Lockdown January 2021 First of all Happy New Year 2021! I hope you are OK, well and safe. Well what I can say? Here we are again. Hopefully this is the last time we have to do this. I will try to respond to any queries as quickly as I can.  Aga...

6 Week Body Transformation Course's Image

6 Week Body Transformation Course

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December 18, 2017

January 6 Week Body Transformation Course  6 Week Body Transformation Course Outline  The course may change, adapt and variables be added to improve the course as well go along. We feel evolving each course only make it better for you. Please not this is not a rapid weight...

Yorkshire Warrior Sponsors

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April 16, 2015

Yorkshire Warrior Sponsors UK Outdoor Fitness and UK Health and Well Being (Races)  are proud to be sponsored for the Yorkshire Warrior race on April 12th by the following 4 sponsors. This has allowed us to give  every racer a complimentary t shirt who are running with the UK...

Better night’s sleep for health's Image

Better night’s sleep for health

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February 02, 2015

Would you like a better night’s sleep for health? “So how can UK Outdoor Fitness assist you for a better night’s sleep for health and well being?” Do you have a bad back? Are you stressed?  (NHS and Stress) Can you feel your bed springs? Have you got the right bed for...



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- Dave Sills

I joined as part of a 6 week campaign not only to get fitter but change my perception on food and exercise.  I attended both outdoor and online sessions during the 6 weeks and have noticed vast improvement.  I look forward to the classes, not only for a good workout but for the social aspect as the trainers and rest of the participants are all really friendly and welcoming.  Although no exact weight measurements, my 5km running time has improved by over 4 minutes, and I’ve lost 2 inches from my stomach.

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- Claire Brimblecombe

I have been a member of bootcamp for 4 years regularly attending classes each week. These classes have made a difference to both my physical and mental health. I have seen a difference to my fitness levels and have dropped a dress size. I have entered 10k and mud races with UK Outdoor Fitness something I would never have dreamt of before. The best thing for me however, about bootcamp is the people and the encouragement you receive. I have met people who have become good friends and have looked out for each other during this difficult lockdown period. I am impressed with how adaptable  UK Outdoor Fitness have been during Covid. I am grateful for the online classes but look forward to returning to coffee corner soon.